Taranormal Mac OS

Taranormal Mac OS

June 03 2021

Taranormal Mac OS

A Folder object represents a folder for installation or removal. You can add or remove folders, and you can optionally remove all their subfolders and files as well.

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Installation or removal of a folder is controlled by its component. If the component is installed, the folder's Install action is executed (which may actually remove the folder); if the component is removed, the Remove action is executed. If a folder is not linked to a component, its Install action is executed during installation of your product, and its Remove action when the product is removed.

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In addition to the explicit installation and removal actions, folders are automatically created if a subfolder, file, or shortcut is installed under the folder, and removed if they become empty (unless Remove action is set to Do not remove).

The following table summarizes the relation between the folder actions, its component's actions, and the overall run mode.

Component?SituationFolder actionComments
NoRun mode=Installer
Run mode=Repair
Install actionThe install action may either create or remove the folder; see Installation actions below.
Run mode=UninstallerRemove actionThe remove action may remove or keep the folder; see Removal actions below.
Run mode=otherImplicitThe folder is only created if a file, shortcut, or subfolder is installed in it.
YesNo component actionImplicit
Component is installed or updatedInstall actionThe install action may either create or remove the folder; see Installation actions below.
Component is removedRemove actionThe remove action may remove or keep the folder; see Removal actions below.

Folder removal warning

Removing a non-empty folder is potentially a dangerous operation, even more so if its subfolders are also removed. During the removal process, all files under the folder (and potentially under its subfolders) are removed regardless of their installation status. This may cause serious problems on the target system. If at all possible, you should selectively remove files and shortcuts by using file and shortcut installation and removal actions (see File and Shortcut).


The following attributes and options are available.

Installation actions below for a full list of actions.
Removal actions below for a full list of actions.
Install actionDescription
Create on demandThe folder is created, if it does not already exist, when its first file, shortcut, or subfolder is installed.
Create alwaysThe folder is created if it does not already exist, regardless of any files or subfolders under it. This allows you to create empty folders.
Remove if empty*If the folder exists but has no files or subfolders, it is removed. If it contains one or more files or subfolders, it is left as-is.
Remove folder and filesIf the folder exists, its files (but not subfolders) are removed. If it contains no subfolders, the folder itself is then removed. If it does contain one or more subfolders, the folder is retained (but its files are gone).
Remove folder and subfoldersIf the folder exists, its files and all of its subfolders are removed recursively, then the folder itself is removed.

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*Note: Before removing a folder, the installer will first automatically remove certain hidden files that are created automatically by Windows and some other systems. These files are typically local caches that should be removed if the folder is removed. Currently, the installer will remove the following files automatically:

Remove actionDescription
Do not removeThe folder is left as-is. This only applies to folders that were created through Create always or on demand for a file or shortcut installed in it. Folders created on demand because a subfolder was created are always removed.
Remove if emptySee Remove if empty in previous table.
Remove folder and filesSee Remove folder and files in previous table.
Remove folder and subfoldersSee Remove folder and subfolders in previous table.

Watch lists

A watch list designates a variable group of source files that must be installed in the folder. Each member of the watch list contains a file filter (i.e., a file path with wildcards in the file name) and all matching source files are automatically added to the folder. If new source files are added, they are included as well; if any source files are removed from the development system, they are removed from the folder as well.

Taranormal Mac OS

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Each folder can have multiple file filters associated with it; you can edit or remove them through the Watch Lists dialog box that appears when you click the Advanced... button.

Watch lists are re-evaluated under the following circumstances:

  • When the project is loaded;
  • Before each build;
  • Whenever you edit the watch list filters;
  • By the Project > Refresh command (keyboard shortcut Shift+F5).

The watch lists do not monitor the Windows file system, so any changes to the files on the watch lists are not detected until one of the previous events takes place.

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